O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Supreme Council of Magistracy 19th Session
On 29 July 2009 at Khemarin Palace, His Majesty the King as President of the High Council of Magistracy granted an audience to its members: His Ex. M. Dith Monty, His Ex. Ang Vong Vadhana, Mrs. Chea Leang, His Exc. M. You Bun Leng, His Exc. M. Ouk Savuth, His Exc. M. Kong Srim, His Exc. M. Chiv Keng and His Exc. M. Yet Charya and colleagues on the opening of the 19th Session of the High Counicl of Magistracy. On Agenda: 1- The report by the Minister for Justice on the High Council of Magistracy work for the year 2008 judicial organisation. 2- To assess and approuve decisions made by the Disciplinary Council of the High Council of Magistracy. 3- To assess and decide on the departure of judges and prosecutors at the age of retirement. 4- To assess the eventuality of giving medals of merit to judges et prosecutors in some provincial tribunals. 5- To assess the possibilities of increasing salaries for judges et prosecutors in some provincial tribunals. 6- To assess decisions to separate experts and places of work for judge students of the 3rd promotion for PHD. 7 – Others.
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