O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Royal Audience with the Artists from the N.K.F.C. Foundation
On 28 Februar 2009 in the Khemarin Palace, HM the King granted an audience to Mrs. Ravynn Karet Coxen president of " The Ngin Karet Foundation for Cambodia", together with members and artists of the delegation. Samdech Chauvea Veang Kong Sam Ol - Vice prime minister donated from HM the King 1,000 USD to the Ngin Karet Foundation for Cambodia. Other beneficiaries were the 38 artists : school uniforms, T shirts et 50, 000 riels of subventions. Les 5 instructors received clothes, monarchy gold badges, and 100,000 riels of subventions. Mrs.Ravynn Karet Coxen et Mrs. Lavina Neilson received traditional silver dishes and badges commemorating the 55th National Independence Anniversary.
Visitor: 15001206