O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Royal audience with His Exc. M. Truong Mealy
On 27 July 2009 in Khemarin Palace, His Majesty the King welcomed His Exc. M. Truong Mealy, family and friends. His Exc. M. Truong Mealy and his family and friends presented the King a beautiful basket of flowers as a mark of respect and loyalty. His Majesty the King offered gifts as souvenirs to His Exc. M. Truong Mealy and his delegation such as gold pins with royal portraits, historic documentations on social, humanitarian and realizations made by His Majesty the King for the benefit of the population. His Exc. M. Truong Mealy’s family and friends received also royal gifts: gold pins with royal portraits.
Visitor: 15012887