O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
HM the King’s return from Vietnam
On September 26th 2012, His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni is welcomed at Phnom Penh International Airport by Samdech Heng Samrin president of the National Assembly, Samdech Hun Sen Prime Minister of Cambodia, HE Mr. Say Chhum 1st vice President of Senate, HE Mr. Nguon Nghel 1st vice President of the National Assembly, HE Mrs. Khuon Sodary 2nd vice President of the National Assembly, HE Mr. Sar Kheng vice Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, HE Mr. Sok An vice Prime Minister and Minister of Council of Ministers, HE Mr. Bin Chhin vice Prime Ministe,HE Mr. vice Prime Ministe, HE Mr. Yim Chay Ly vice Prime Ministe, HE mr. Ek Samol President of Constitutional Council, the Representative of the SR of Vietnam to Cambodia, Members of Royal Family and other high ranging Officials of the Royal Government, upon his return from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. On September 24th 2012, HM the King departed the Kingdom for Hanoi, where HM the King carried out a 3 days State visit .
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