O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
H.M. the King's Visit to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (continued)
On the morning of September the 25th 2012 H.M. the King granted an audience to H.E. Mr. VU Mao, Chairman of the Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Association and his delegation at the Hotel Intercontinental of Hanoi. At 2pm, H.M. the King, accompanied by both the delegations of Vietnam and Cambodia visited the Phat Tich Pagoda where H.M. the king was warmly welcomed by the local authorities, Pagoda's Chief, Buddhist monks and the local population. Located in Phat Tich commune, Tien Du district, Province of Bac Nich, roughly 30km away from Hanoi capital city, Phat Tich is one of the most precious ancient pagodas in Vietnam. Phat Tich translates to mean Buddha's Legend in Vietnamese. The Pagoda was built between the 7th and 10th centuries AD and was of historical significance where the Royal Family of the Ly Dynasty used to come to celebrate Buddhist ceremonies.
Visitor: 14966855