O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
The closing ceremony for the National Day celebrations
On 11 November 2009, His Majesty the King, followed by a royal entourage and prominent government figures, presided over the closing ceremony of the National Day at the Independence Monument. Present on this solemn occasion, Senate chairman Samdech Chea Sim, Assembly President Samdech Heng Samrin, Premier Samdech Hun Sen, and Samdech Chauvea Veang Kong Sam Ol, Deputy prime minister and minister of the Royal Palace, members of the royal family, parliamentarians, high ranking officials, teachers, diplomatic corps and representatives from different institutions et organizations in mission in the Kingdom. The whole country is grateful to His Majesty King- Father Norodom Sihanouk for His historic victory of the 9 November 1953 when He won full independence from French colonialism.
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