O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Water Festivals
On the 1st day of the Water Festivals, at 16 pm, His Majesty the King presided over the event on a royal rostrum in front of the Royal Palace. Among the attendees on the royal rostrum: Samdech Chea Sim, the Senate Chairman, Samdech Heng Samrin, the National Assembly Chairman, Samdech Hun Sen, Prime Minister and spouse, Samdech Norodom Sirivudh, High Privy councellor to His Majesty the King and spouse, Samdech Sisowath Chivan Monireak, 1st Deputy President of the Senate and spouse, Samdech Chauvea Veang Kong Sam Ol, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Royal Palace, deputies and senators, government officials, the Royal armed forces and chiefs of diplomatic corps.
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