O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Ok Ambok and Sampeah Preah Khe rituals
During three days the Kingdom celebrates the Water festivals, together with Ok Ambok and Sampeah Preah Khe. On 2 November 2009, 2nd day of festivities, His Majesty the King presided over Ok Ambok and Sampeah Preah Khe ceremonie in the Throne Hall. Every year His Majesty the King observes this ancestral tradition for the Kingdom’s prosperity in particular for a good agricultural productivity. Samdech Norodom Sirivudh, High Privy Councellor to His Majesty the King and spouse, Samdech Chauvea Veang Kong Sam Ol, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Royal Palace, His Ex. Mr Kuy Sophal, senior minister, in charge of the Royal Palace affairs, Royal family members, Palace dignitaries attended this ceremony.
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