O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Inauguration of Jayavarman VII Hospital in Siem Reap
On 6 November 2009 His Majesty the King presided over the opening ceremonies of an international seminar and the inauguration of a new compound of Jayavarman VII Hospital, affiliated with the Children Hospital Kantha Bopha 3, in Siem Reap province. Among the royal entourage, Samdech Chauvea Veang Kong Sam Ol, Deputy prime Minister and Minister of the Royal Palace, His Ex. Mr Sou Phirin, the provincial governor of Siem Reap. His Ex. M. Mam Bun Heng, Minister of Health, Professor Beat Reachner, Chairman of Kantha Bopha Hospital, doctors and nurses, local authorities, civil servants, teachers and school children and the people in Siem Reap province were present to welcome His majesty.
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