O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Royal visit at “Our Khmer Noodles” Factory
On 24 August 2009, His Majesty the King visited “Our Khmer Noodles” factory of Men Sarun import-export Cie in Ponhea Leu Disctrict, Kandal province, and warmly conversed with factory’s workers. Samdech Chauvea Veang Kong Sam Ol, deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Royal Palace, H.E. M. Suy Sem, minister of Industry, Mines and Energy, together with the Palace dignitaries and related ministries officials accompanied His Majesty on His visit. His Majesty the King visited workers activities and noodles producing work. Through H.E. M. Men Sarun and wife, His Majesty the King provided the 174 workers with material and financial support. H.E. M. Men Sarun and wife offered H.M. the King a thousand boxes of noodles for His humanitarian action.
Visitor: 15002554