O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Royal Visit to Henan province – PRC (continued)
On the morning of 6 August 2012, HM the King, followed by the delegations of the two Countries, visited Good Friend, a tire factory in Luoyang town. During this trip, HM the King also visited Veng Vo mountain in Jiyuan town. Veng Vo is a 1,715m high mountain, at about 35km from Jiyuan. HM the King was welcomed by the Secretary of the communist Party of Jiyuan town and the local authorities while witnessing the ancient cemetery of the Chinese ancestors. During the afternoon visit, HM the King graced with his presence to the XIAOLANGDI dam on the Yellow river, which was built by the Chinese and French engineers from 1991 to 2001.
Visitor: 14966918