O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Respects from International Delegation
On 21st November 2012 at 11:15am, HM the King Norodomsihamoni, HM the Queen Mother Norodom Monineat Sihanouk and Samdech Hun Sen Prime Minister of Cambodia welcomed HE Mr. Lee Hsein Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore and his Spouse who came to came to pay their respects to the Illustrious Memory of His late Majesty the King Father of Cambodia. Following the Preceding, HM the King and HM the Queen Mother, respectively welcomed: - The Delegation of the Internationa Affairs Department of Singaporian National Deffense Ministry. - The Delegation of the Republic of Philipines, led by Presint Benigno Aquino III. -The Delegation of the Supeme People’s Assembly of the Democratic Peole’s Republic of Korea, led by its vice President HE Mr. Yang Hieng Seup.
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