O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
HM the King’s Humanitarian Activities in Mondolkiri province (Continued and end)
Afterward, in a primary school of Dak Dam commune, HM the King was warmly welcomed by Students, teachers and about 637 poor villagers. Each family representative received from HM the King, 50kg of rice, a box of noodles, 10 tins of sardines, a kit with mosquitoes net, blanket, sarong, karma, 01 T-shirt and 50,000 riels. Each of the 368 students and Red Cross youth received 01 T-shirt, Student tools and 10,000 riels. Each of 07 teachers received a kit with mosquitoes net, blanket, sarong, karma and 01 T-shirt. To the dancers, HM the King donated a sarong and 20,000 riels for each of them.
Visitor: 14966882