O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
18th Session of the Supreme Council of Magistracy
On 14 January 2009 at the Khemarin Palace , as President of the Supreme Council of Magistracy HM the King presided over the opening of the 18th session of the Supreme Council of Magistracy On the agenda: 1 Examination and adoption by the Disciplinary Council of the Supreme Council of Magistracy. 2 Examination and adoption of the case of judges and prosecutors who ask for a renewal of their mandate after retirement. 3 Examination and adoption of the transfert of judges and deputy prosecutors on a basis of a ¼ principle. 4 Examination and adoption on the roles and competences of the judges prosecutors who are in training. 5 Examination and adoption of the appointment of the deputy president of the Supreme Court and of the deputy president of the prosecutors at magistrate’s court and of public prosecutor’s offices in provinces. 6 – Examination and adoption of the case of Mr Kan Virak Ratha, judge of tribunal de grande instance in Mondulkiri province whose absence has been permanent since the year 2002 todate. On this occasion HM the King signed decrees, conferred certificates attesting the merit of the 4 members of the Supreme Cuncil of Magistracy : HE.M. You Bun Leng, HE.M. Chiv Keng, HE.M. Khieu Sameth, and HE.M. Sin Dim.
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