O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
On 7 Janaury 2009 HM the King granted an audience to H.E.Mr Son Soubert, member of the Constitutional Council, advisor to the Khemarak Centre, Mrs. Lois de Menil President of the Centre together with other members. Mrs. Lois de Menil and the delegation related the Centre’s achievements : the creation of a library for HM the King, located in Siem Reap province, which helps students with research in different domains. The Khemarak Centre has contributed to pedagogy to students who become teachers at universities in conformity with the international standard. Khemarak Centre often organises seminars to promote research. Children are initiated to national traditional art. The Centre tries to find former musicians, singers and dancers living in the country and abroad to make documentary films for future generations.
Visitor: 15002444