O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Royal audience with a Vietnamese Women Federation
On 1st October 2009 in Khemarin Palace, His Majesty the King greeted Mrs. Men Sam An, standing deputy Prime Minister and President of the Committee of Cambodian women for Peace and Development, together with a delegation of Vietnamese Women Federation led by H.E Mrs. Nguyen Thi Than Hoa, member of the Vietnamese Communist party’s Central Committee, member of Parliament and President of the Vietnamese Women Federation. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thanh Hoa presented His Majesty the King valuable gifts from the Vietnmese Women Federation: paintings on Vietnamese daily life and on Vietnamese culture from Biochimie and Energie companies of Vietnam. His Majesty the King offered the delegation souvenirs in silver work, books and documents on Royal humanitarian activities. Each member of the delegation received effigies commemorating the 55th anniversary of Cambodia independence.
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