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Their Majesties’s arrival at Beijing airport
In the afternoon of August 12th 2013, HM the King of Cambodia and HM the Queen-Mother arrived at Beijing Internatinal Airport, People's Republic of China, for medical checkup. Also at the invitation of the People's Republic of China's Government, HM the King will priside over the Opening Ceremony of the 2nd Asian Youth Games, Nanjing 2013, in Jiangsu province on August 16th 2013. At Beijing International Airport, HM the King of Cambodia and HM Queen-Mother were welcomed by H.E. Mr. Zhai Jun, Chinesevice Minister of Foreign Affairs, lok Chumteav Khek Caimaly Sisoda, High Privy Counselor and Ambadress Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Cambodia to the People's Republic of China and by the Cambodian embassy staff.
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