O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Royal Ceremony of Vossa candle molding
The Return of Vossa is the annual three months buddhist retreat that takes place at the rainy season and during which the monks are confined in their pagodas and the believers bring them offerings. On July,15, 2013, at the Throne Hall, HM King Norodom Sihamoni preside over the Rituals of the Royal Vossa Candle Molding . HRH Samdech Sisowath Pongneary Monipong, High Privy Counselor of HM the King, Samdech Chaufea Veang Kong Som Ol, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Royal Palace, HE Senior Minister Kuy Sophal, members of the Royal Family and the Royal Palace Officials also attend the ceremony.
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