O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Tree Day 2013 (continued)
HM the offered symbolic bushes to 4 province representatives: Preah Sihanouk, Kompong Speu, Kèp and Koh Kokong. To Daun Chi TaChi, Handicaps, poor people, HM the King donated the fisrt neccessity products and 50,000 riels, each of 956 pupils received note books and 5,000 riels, each of 100 Red Cross youth members and 80 members of the Scout received 5,000 riel, each of 139 teaching corps and 10 medical corps members received 50,000 riels, 1 sarong and 1 Krama, each of 45 daners and musicians received 1 sarong and 20,000 riels.
Visitor: 14881934