O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Royal Audience with CPP and CNRP Representatives
At 4:oo pm of Thursday 24th 2014, HM the King Norodom Sihamoni greeted, in Khemarin Palace, Samdech Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia and vice President of the CPP, H.E. Mr. Say Chhum, Acting President of the Senate and Secretary General of the CPP, H.E. Mr. Sar Kheng, vice Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and Member of the CPP Sanding Committee, H.E. Mr. Sam Raingsy, President of the CNRP, H.E. Mr. Kem Sokha, vice President of the CNRP and H.E. Mr. Pol Hoam, president of the Steering Committee of the CNRP. In this occasion, HM the King was highly informed about the results of 22th July Summit between the CPP and the CNRP.
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