O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
The King’s Visit in Samrong Tong – Kompong Speu province
After a satisfactory talk with the inhabitaints and children in Samron Tong village, His Majesty the King continued His visit by attending the Samrong Tong farming activities. Samdech Chauvea Veang Kong Sam Ol, Deputy prime Minister, Minister of the Royal Palace had sent official from Samdech Euv and Samdech Me team to do a farm work on the spot with 10 tractors to help poor peasants plough their rice fields. As a result, the royal team has from 26 May to 1st of June 2009 ploughed 31 hectars and 40 acres of land in Samrong Tong.
Visitor: 15001492