O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Official Visit of His Majesty the King Norodom Sihamoni to the People's Republic of China
On December 26, 2006 at 14:30 pm, His Majesty the King Norodom Sihamoni received a warm welcome from H.E. Mr. Wang Cang Laing, Mayor of Wu Hu city as well as high ranking officials, who escorted the Monarch in His visit of the town of Wu Hu. In the evening of the same day, His Majesty the King Norodom Sihamoni visited the assembly line at the Chery automobile plant. The same day, in the evening, His Majesty Norodom Sihamoni also visited the Hu Zheng Si pagoda located in Jiu Hua Mountain. H.E. Mr. Governor of Wu Hu city hosted a welcome dinner to the Di San Hotel in honor of His Majesty the King of Cambodia and His delegation.
Visitor: 14997928