O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Official Visit of His Majesty the King Norodom Sihamoni to the People's Republic of China
Following an official visit to the city of He Fei, the capital of An Hui province, in the morning of December 25, 2006, His Majesty the King of Cambodia paid a visit to Chi Zhou, another city of An Hui province. In the morning of December 25, 2006, His Majesty the King visited 3 pagodas located in Jiu Hua Mountain. The same day, in the evening, His Majesty Norodom Sihamoni also visited the Hu Zheng Si pagoda located in Jiu Hua Mountain. His Majesty the King Norodom Sihamoni granted a royal audience to H.E. Mr. Tong Lai Wai, Major of Chi Zhou city, at Dong Ya hotel situated in Jiu Hua Mountain. H.E. Mr. Tong Lai Wai then hosted a sumptuous dinner to the honor of His Majesty King of Cambodia. His Majesty the King Norodom Sihamoni visited the Hai Yun Si pagoda located in Jiu Hua Mountain.
Visitor: 14997913