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O f f i c i a l W e b s i t e
Social Activity » 2006
Irrigation canal granted by H.M. the King in different provinces
Irrigation canal granted by H.M. the King in different provinces
Ponds granted by H.M. the King in different provinces
Ponds granted by H.M. the King in different provinces
Ponds granted by H.M. the King in different provinces
Dons humanitaires royaux aux Madame Mean Chamroeun
Ponds granted by H.M. the King in different provinces
Ponds granted by H.M. the King in different provinces
Ponds granted by H.M. the King in different provinces
School buildings granted to different provinces
Royal Humanitarian Aid to the villagers of the commune of Prey Ky
School buildings granted to different provinces
Ponds granted by H.M. the King in different provinces
School buildings granted to different provinces
Enclosing walls granted to schools in different provinces
Ponds granted by H.M. the King in different provinces
School buildings granted to different provinces
School buildings granted to different provinces
Royal Humanitarian Aid to the villagers of Lvea and Kraing Svay
522 impoverished children of Enfants d'Asie ASPECA NGO receive the Royal gifts
Ponds granted by H.M. the King in different provinces
Royal donation to the Preah Sihanouk Buddhist Center of Kompong Speu
Ponds granted by H.M. the King in different provinces
Royal gift to the Phnom Penh Social Affairs Center
Royal gift to the Kean Khleang Orphanage
Royal gift to the Chom Chao Rehabilitation Center
Royal contribution to the National Day of Medecine and Pharmacology
Ponds granted by H.M. the King in different provinces
Ponds granted by H.M. the King in different provinces
Ponds granted by H.M. the King in different provinces
Royal donations to pagodas
Royal contribution to two pagodas
Pond digging at the Sovann Monirokha Ream pagoda
Royal Contribution to the organization of a national Coran Recitation Contest
Royal contribution to the "Initiative For Change" NGO
Royal contribution to the Student Committee of the University of State Administration
Royal Relief Aid
Samdech Chauvea Veang Kong Som Ol monitors a school building at Prey Kiri
Samdech Chauvea Veang Kong Som Ol monitors a school building at Ek Lipol
Samdech Chauvea Veang Kong Som Ol monitors a school building at Khum Romech
Samdech Chauvea Veang Kong Som Ol monitors an irrigation project at Phum Daeum Chek
Royal donation to the Child and Youth Support Organization
Royal contribution to the National Institute of Fine Arts
Royal gift to venerable Pean Chaut
Contribution to the building of a religious hall in Prey Sar
Emergency help to the victims of tumbled homes
Offering to Tep Khaneaream Pagoda
Offering to Preah Tvea Pagoda
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