O f f i c i a l   W e b s i t e
Sacred Furrow Festival
On Tuesday May 16, 2006, His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni presided over the Sacred Furrow Festival held at Veal Men, and for which HE You Hockry, 2nd Vice-President of the National Assembly and his wife were selected as Sdech Meak and preah Mehou. At the end of the ceremony, the sacred cows had eaten 95% of the rice, 80% of the soya beans, 70% of the corn and 50% of the grass that were prepared for them. His Majesty then distributed humanitarian aid to 96 representatives (48 men and 48 women) of the 24 provinces of Cambodia. In the end, His Majesty visited the booths of the Ministry of Agriculture, of the Ministry of Industry, of the Ministry of Water Resources.
Visitor: 14998040